Autumnal Hymn

The night is growing longer. Daylight ebbs, the sun's window getting smaller and smaller each day as we doppler shift into the autumnal spectrum and I, for one, am loving it.

I wore a sweater today (which is one of my favorite activities) as the temperature plunged to the mid-50s, which is a positively arctic chill to the good people of central Florida. Fewer people were out walking around the lake and those that I saw were bundled up in sweats and puffy coats. An overreaction, sure but Floridians don't get many opportunities to wear cold weather gear.

Meanwhile, the calendar turning over into December makes me start thinking back over the previous year. It's been a wild one, and I am especially prone to end of year reflection. I compose mental top 10 lists of my favorite media from the past year. This year, the lockdowns lead to more streaming and more media in general so it will make my year-end rankings harder.

I also compose ranked lists of my personal failings and the things I did well over the last 12 months. I'm thinking about goals and accomplishments, and where the two did and didn't overlap for me in 2020. My thinking hasn't shifted to 2021 yet, but that is another aspect to this solstice season that I adore: the promise that the next year may be better than the last.